Tuesday, September 28, 2010

End of Summer Sale

So I was thinking the other day, geez glitter toe business is getting SLOW. Well, duh, it's the end of summer and the end of sandal, toe exposing weather. SO, I've decided that in light of these things to lower the price EVEN FURTHER to $5.00 a person. Unfortunately if you host a party, you won't get them for free, but 5$ is 10$ cheaper than anywhere else. This is only for a limited time... so call comment or facebook me a message at any time and we'll schedule an appointment.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Homecoming and School Dances are Just Around the Corner!

Hey everyone remember me when you need a new hairdo or color or nails for those upcoming dances at school! everything I do is 10$ That means you could get your nails, toes and hair done for only 30$! That's a steal really! I'l even do a facial and make up application for an added 5$!!!!! So don't sit out on the sidelines girls get out there and show those boys what they are missing!