Wednesday, July 13, 2011

On The Plus Side... I've Finished School!!!

K So it's been awhile since the last post because I've been... busy doing some,... uh... other stuff. Yeah busy. That's right. Anyways. If anyone has seen me lately I obviously haven't stuck to my guns with my diet or my weight. I just don't care about fitting into a size 7 jean anymore. I've had two kids and I wear a size 9/10. I think I've done pretty darn good for myself. If I happen to lose more then great. If not, then oh well. I'm going to keep eating healthy and keep exercising as much as I can with my children, but if it gets in the way of me being happy, then it's not worth it. And I've decided that being thin isn't what will make me happy. I don't know what will, but I know being skinny like I was 6 years ago (really? 6 years?) won't make me happy it'll just be something else.
On the plus side I've finished nail school and now I'm just waiting to take all my tests then I can go get a "job" and start doing nails out of my home. YAY!!!! So.... you know what's coming next.... you want nails? I'll do them!!!